
Legal information credit card judgments

Please enable Javascript in your browser. Notes lawyers and conditions for it I use POLITICS of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories the Store of the BlackBerry accessories concurs to acquire determines produced to you of Research in Motion Limited (RIM). Ordering produced or to services by means of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories chip ax of being bound from the Political present of the Store, included. To read with attention the content of the present page. The orders are subject to the acceptance from GWS part. When an order from the Store of the BlackBerry accessories is carried out, portion of the situated Web protect from the technology of cryptography SSL is approached one. The situated Web uses the technology of Thawte cryptography, standard of the field, in order to guarantee that the information supplied from the purchasers do not end in mistaken hands. The Store of single the BlackBerry accessories chip ax the following emitted credit cards from companies: American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. The restitutions are subject to the terms of the Guarantee Limited on Accessories RIM published on the situated one of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories. The shipment options and the relati to you prices are available in the ordinazione module. Poich?ali organizations respects their independent procedures in relation to privacy and collection of the data, GWS does not assume some responsabilit?n merit. of GWS for ulterior information on I use of the personal information supplied from the purchasers from GWS part. In this page the terms and the conditions are brought back for respecting for use it of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories. To read with attention the content of the present page. If these terms and conditions, not to order produced or services by means of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories are not accepted. Ordering produced or to services by means of the Store of the BlackBerry accessories chip ax of being bound from the present terms and from. GWS reserves the right to modify the terms and the conditions anytime publishing a modernization of this page. The Store of the BlackBerry accessories contains situated connections to Web of thirds party. Ci?per?non implies the official approval from part of GWS of the situated such contents of Web. the situated access to Web of thirds party comes therefore carried out just risk. GWS?n degree not to guarantee the satisfaction of the customer for a product or service acquired from the Store of the BlackBerry accessories. GWS does not subject to approval the products n?i occupies to confirm the contained accuracy or affidabilit?elle information in situated the Web of thirds party. GWS advises to carry a.termine whichever surveying is thought necessary and appropriated before carrying out transactions online or not online with one of the third parts. The prices and the promozionali offered ones have one validit?imitata. The prices and the configurations are subject to modifications without warning and the prices do not include the applicable expenses of transport and shipment or taxes and custom offices. Relative information to the credit card. Expenses of transport and shipment come applied separately. If applicable, the taxes and the custom offices come brought back in one line separated on the invoice. The guarantees on the products, if available, are exclusively those offering from RIM. GWS SUPPLIES the Store of the BlackBerry accessories and the PRODUCTS OFFERS To ITS INSIDE "LIKE? WITHOUT GUARANTEES OF SOME TYPE. BE POICH?ALCUNI DO NOT ADMIT the EXCLUSION OF IMPLICIT GUARANTEES, the EXCLUSION OF WHICH OVER IT COULD NOT BE APPLICABLE To the CUSTOMER. The PRESENT STRAIGHT SPECIFIC GUARANTEE CONFERS To the CUSTOMER And CUSTOMER PU?INOLTRE TO ENJOY ULTERIOR RIGHTS To SECOND Of the COUNTRY. Whichever software offered?oggetto to the Contract of Licence contained in the confection. Chip ax of being bound from the Contract of Licence in the moment in which the confection is opened or breaks off I seal myself. GWS does not offer some guarantee for the software based on the Political present of the Store. The eventual guarantees for the software are contained in the Contract of Licence that of it regulated purchase and use. GWS and RIM can anytime modernize or interrupt the production of products. BE POICH?ALCUNI DO NOT ADMIT the EXCLUSION Or The LIMITATION OF INCIDENT DAMAGES Or CONSEQUENZIALI, the EXCLUSION Or The LIMITATION OF WHICH OVER IT COULD NOT BE APPLICABLE To the CUSTOMER. (a) (1) a year from the date of the first purchase of the Accessory from part of the CUSTOMER in qualit?i original final customer ("CUSTOMER") and (b) the moment in which. The present not?rasferibile Limited Guarantee. During the Period of Guarantee, the verr?iparato or replaced Accessory, to RIM discretion, without that the CUSTOMER must support expenses for parts or labor. The present not?pplicabile Limited Guarantee to the cases of normal usury or if the Accessory or any its open or repaired?tato member from staff non-authorized from RIM. The present Limited Guarantee does not cover physical damages on the surface of the Accessory. The present not?pplicabile Limited Guarantee to some various equipment from the Accessory. To make reference to the documentation supplied with the Accessory for instructions on like obtaining attendance for the Accessory. The Customer to pu?ichiedere to the Supplier of the RIM Solution repairs and substitutions in conformit?i terms and to the conditions of the present Limited Guarantee. The REPAIR Or The SUBSTITUTION Of the ACCESSORY, IN COMPLIANCE With PREVIEWED HOW MUCH IVI, CONSTITUTES The SINGLE REMEDY COME TO AN AGREEMENT To the CUSTOMER. Even if RIM Or The SUPPLIER Of RIM SOLUTION?A ACQUAINTANCE Of the POSSIBILIT Of TAKING PLACE ITSELF OF SUCH DAMAGES. The renunciation of RIM to make to be worth whichever inadempimento comporter?inuncia not to make to be worth such inadempimento subsequently or to make to be worth whichever other inadempimento. If the CUSTOMER resides in Canada, the present Limited Guarantee must be interpreted based on the laws of Ontario. ?oncesso not to join or to arrange controversies between pi?arti or that involgono other legal entities beyond to the CUSTOMER without previo the written consent of RIM. ?stato explicitly demanded from both the parts that the present Limited Guarantee and all the documents correlate to you, without exclusion, they are written up in English language the Accessory must be used EXCLUSIVELY with to palmare appropriate BlackBerry. (a) (1) a year from the date of the first purchase of the Battery from part of the CUSTOMER in qualit?i original final customer ("CUSTOMER") and (b) the moment in which. The present not?rasferibile Limited Guarantee. The Limited Guarantee, moreover, does not cover the substitution of whichever Battery that turns out damaged because of improper use, umidit? liquids, prossimit? exposure to heat, incident, abuse, negligence, wrong application or which had defects to repairs or modifications not executed from RIM. The present Limited Guarantee does not cover physical damages on the surface of the Battery. The present not?pplicabile Limited Guarantee to some various equipment from the Battery. The Customer to pu?ichiedere to the Supplier of the RIM Solution repairs and substitutions in conformit?i terms and to the conditions of the present Limited Guarantee. The SUBSTITUTION Of the BATTERY, IN COMPLIANCE With PREVIEWED HOW MUCH IVI, CONSTITUTES The SINGLE REMEDY COME TO AN AGREEMENT To the CUSTOMER. The renunciation of RIM to make to be worth whichever inadempimento comporter?inuncia not to make to be worth such inadempimento subsequently or to make to be worth whichever other inadempimento. If the CUSTOMER resides in Canada, the present Limited Guarantee must be interpreted based on the laws of Ontario. ?oncesso not to join or to arrange controversies between pi?arti or that involgono other legal entities beyond to the CUSTOMER without previo the written consent of RIM. ?stato explicitly demanded from both the parts that the present Limited Guarantee and all the documents correlate to you, without exclusion, they are written up in English language. WARNING: the Battery must be used EXCLUSIVELY with to palmare appropriate BlackBerry. BlackBerry, RIM and the relati symbols, images and mark to you trade them and record are mark to you of propriet?sclusiva of the Research In Motion Limited. Patent and Trademark Office) and can be records to you or deposits to you in other countries. All the other names of Marches, products and societ?marchi trade them and mark of service are of propriet?ei respect to you titular. Palmare and/or the associate software is protect from copyright, international agreements and numerous licences, included one or pi?revetti USA between following: 6. Other licences are record to you or deposit to you in various countries. For an modernized directory of the applicable licences, to visit the situated one to the address.

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