
Sugar pie pumpkin

in order to cook, to photograph, to curiosare in freedom for absolute divertimento and the pleasure to share it with you this year zucca a.voluntad, beginning from the tortellos, to the vellutate ones, marmellate and zucchette of marzapane the this, enormous and worst, the night in front of the house door is remained to make light nearly all, very risen and visible to several the mostriciattoli in it tries of dolcetti I go literally crazy for the marzapane, therefore the true problem was the almond and marmellata one zucca prepared for the before and very hidden occasion 2 weeks, protected from the greedy usuals. All then it is covered with of the glassa real to the chocolate. and here the result, topolino comprised, is not a show for approximately 2 Kg of paste is necessary 500gr of semolato sugar, 250gr of glucose, 250gr of sugar to veil and 500gr of skinned almonds this type of paste is from using raw, with the exception of that one used for the petits fours that it can go in furnace. To put in one casserole the sugar semolato with 1 dl of water and 60gr of glucose. To cook the syrup until 115° and schiumare every so often. Frullare the almonds in the mixer with to the sugar to veil in order at least 2 minuteren. To pour to thread the warm syrup and to add the remaining glucose. Frullare still a minute and to leave to cool. Son remained impüressionato from the beauty of the zucche of marzapane. You have made all manual thanks to yours abilitá + fantasy or six helped to you with a book. Inasmuch as here the Marzapane finds a lot easy, I would want to learn also to make the figures, I am a lot of effect. Sure that the book that I had eyed coast 85 euro Then which instruments you have used. Vorrá to say that you verró not to torment of night with my mask of Scream. it was much that here, but I have inasmuch as six returned to grande.e the zucche have called to you also from mine leave:). @ Gri, is content that you is piaciute, even if of professional they have very poco.Se you said then the employed time to you as pasticcera nonmi it would assume nobody: -)) I have used a simple back of a knife from kitchen in order to carve the zucchette. For the topolino I have used the cacao in order to color, then would be saffron and juice of beets, but for this time I have used coloring already ready incredible, if as an example you want to cover a cake or one cassata you costs a tantino, and then to make it in house is one satisfaction creeds. As soon as I will have a moment of tmpo I will write the entire prescription for @ Stefano, thanks also to you of the visit:-)). on purpose Grissino, of that famous issue of high pastry shop I have not still tried nothing:-((. STREPITEVOLE: I had seen the preview of zucca the some day makes but I must say that just six given to make to you. Bravaaa (the topolino is huge, with the codone then. Here there é the book that I said to you: unloaded demonstrative pdf with some pagina.de/buchshop/buch-Fun_with_Marzipan -- 1.66, cost approximately 65-70 euro to second of the place. Proveró to make the zucche as you say:-).E one true wonder, than artist. The marmellata one of zucca intrigues me particularly that I have not never had the pleasure to savour. Ehi but is a Festivity of the Zucca. here then the marzapane is wonderful, as also the cake. Step here too much late for Halloween, and I remain to open mouth thanks to all you, are here that gongolo. also I make it in house the paste of almonds. to Rome it is impossible to find if they do not give the usual castroni to exorbitant prices. of usual but I follow an other prescription that it makes me to lose two days of time. yours of prescription he is the much fastest one, but for me it would become inedible because of the raw egg white in the paste. This is to paragraph of text that could go in the sidebar.

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